I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
Listen to young people from around the world sing and sign White Christmas. This month we welcomed India to VOTW and are looking forward to developing a rich partnership with them over the coming year.
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Watch the video to learn how to sign the words of the song then try in your own language with the signs. Once you have mastered the song and signs, create a video and share on the padlet page below.
Now, listen to the song in all the different languages from around the world. How many different languages can you say the word Merry Christmas?
December is a month of coming together and across the world December looks similar and different!
Take photos of your classrooms/ schools/ places you think represent December. Make sure there are no people in them, just places. Upload them on the Christmas Padlet and send an email to Ms Georgia Maneta ( so that she can approve them.
Let's make a Padlet full of beautiful photos from around the world!