Previous Songs
2022 Songs
Feed The World (Band Aid)
Our first Chrstmas song to unite schools around the world together just like the song united many together when it was first created.
Imagine (John Lennon)
Schools around the world sung and singed Imagine due to wishing the world to be a more peaceful place to live for all.
2021 Song
Unbreakable (Ugly Dolls)
Two fourth year student primary teachers created the tutorial videos for this song to teach schools around the world the signs and words. The song was chosen due to the theme being accepting who we.
2020 Songs
Million Dreams (Greatest Showman)
One of our favourite songs performed during COVID-19 Lockdown (May 2019) when some students were learning at home and some were at school learning in a bubble.
2019 Songs
I'm Gonna Be (Proclaimers)
HOTW teachers sing and sign this popular song.
How Far I'll Go (Moana)
882 students from 38 schools in 24 countries from around the world join together to become one through this lovely song about longing to be somewhere else.
Dancing in the Streets (David Bowie and Mick Jagger)
Children from 36 schools in 29 countries from around the world join together through this lively pop song that has a focus on different places in the world.
I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing (The New Seekers)
HOTW's third song was chosen due to an coca cola advert in 2008 having people from different nationalities sing this song.
A Million Dreams (Greatest Showman)
The second HOTW song is the most popular one and was chosen due to wanting children to believe in their dreams.
This is Me (Greatest Showman)
HOTW's first song was chosen by Mrs Tonner-Saunders due to representing different identities and wanting children to accept who they are and accept others.